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Walker Family Web    Updated  12/29/24    Online Since 2000

Pensacola Beach Trip 1 - Move on to Pensacola Beach Trip 2

Ryan, Heather, Reece & Amelia visited us for 9 days in late November 2011. Our first stop was in Montgomery where we visited Don, his family and mom. Then it was on to Pensacola Beach for four nights at the beautiful Portofino Island Resort, finishing up in Atlanta for Thanksgiving. The day after found us all at the Yellow River Game Ranch for a little petting fun. It was a great time for all!

1 & 2. Amelia & Reece with great grandma Maggie in Montgomery.

1. Donna, RaeAnn & Don.    2. Don took the kids out for a fun wagon ride.

1. Maggie's great grandchildren.    2. Amelia & Reece.

Move on to Pensacola Beach Trip 2

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