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Walker Family Web    Updated  12/29/24    Online Since 2000

Panama City Beach Trip 1 - Move on to Panama City Beach Trip 2

For our 2012 annual vacation, we considered Southern California, San Francisco, Yellowstone, Niagara Falls, Bermuda St. Thomas and England. After all that, we decided on a relaxing one week stay at the En Soleil in Panama City Beach, where we stayed last May for 4 days. As you can see from the photos, we didn't do anything exciting. We just walked, took dips in the ocean, visited St. Andrews State Park and Duck Pond. We had such a great time that we extended our trip to 9 nights!

1. Arrived and in pocket!    2. Beautiful beaches of the En Soleil.

1. The En Soleil, our home for 9 days.    2. Sue enjoys the sunny beach.

1. Yours truly.    2. Lots of shells for the picking, some with creatures still in them!

Move on to Panama City Beach Trip 2

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