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Walker Family Web    Updated  12/29/24    Online Since 2000

Panama City Beach Trip 1 - Move on to Panama City Beach Trip 2

Alan, Ryan, Heather and the Walker twins' ventured south in May for a fun 10 day vacation! After 3 days, it was on to Montgomery to visit Don's family and the twins' great grandmother, Maggie. Then it was on to Panama City Beach for four days and nights of fun and relaxation! Reece and Amelia turned a year old May 8th. Amelia started walking at a little over 10 months old. Reece walked for the first time at our house on the last day of their vacation. What a thrill that was for grandma Sue and Pops (me)!

1. "We're off on vacation, how exciting Amelia!"    2. A visit to Don's home in Montgomery.
(Right - Harris Anne, Stacy, Jack, Heather, Maggie, Sue, Reece and Amelia)

3. Alan, Donnie, Shayne, Pat and Don.    2. Cliff & Maggie.


1. Maggie and Alan.    2. Posing with Grandma, then off to Panama City Beach.

Move on to Panama City Beach Trip 2

'Thanks for stopping by PhotoPages - Come back soon!' - Cliff & Sue