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Walker Family Web    Updated  12/29/24    Online Since 2000

Italy Trip 5 - Move on to Italy Trip 6

On day 4, we rented an Audi Q3 and drove to Avellino, where I lived and worked in 1968/69. I was an electronics technician for Chicago-based Automatic Electric Company. Our job was the installation and maintenance of Autovon, a worldwide military telephone network designed to withstand a nuclear attack. My first assignment was at the Autovon site atop Mount Vergine near Avellino, 35 miles from Naples, Italy. It was fun to revisit these places again.

1. On day four, we hit the road.    2. Montevergine Sanctuary, near the site where I worked at in 1968.

1. At Montevergine.    2. Autovon site where I worked was dismantled, but it brought back memories of days gone by.


1 & 2. This is what the Autovon site looked like in 1968. That's Mount Vesuvius in the background.

Move on to Italy Trip 6

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