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Walker Family Web    Updated  12/29/24    Online Since 2000

California Trip 1 - Move on to California Trip 2

Our September, 2004 vacation was to Northern California and all the places we could see in ten days! There wasn't a place we visited that we didn't thoroughly enjoy. San Francisco is beautiful and is our favorite city - so much to see and do. We drove to Monterrey, Carmel, Hearst Castle, Sequoia NP, Yosemite NP, Lake Tahoe and back to San Fran for two more nights to wind up this great vacation! 

1 & 2. Our first 2 nights were in quaint Sausalito across the bay from San Francisco.

1. Night falls on Richardson Bay in Sausalito.    2. Golden Gate Bridge from S.F. side.

1 & 2. Golden Gate & Alcatraz from Marin County side.

Move on to California Trip 2

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