Martin & Pat 3 - Move on to
Martin & Pat 4
Martin's wife, Irmgard (Pat), was born in 1924 in Bochum, in the Ruhr
area, western Germany. She had 3 brothers & 3 sisters. Pat passed away
in 1995 & has one surviving sister, Mieke, who lives in Munich. After
the war, Martin served with the occupation forces in Regensburg where he
met Pat, who was a clerk at a US military facility. They married in
Germany & moved to Cleveland, OH in 1949.

LEFT: Martin (L) with cousin Bob & Bob's son Robert, 1946. Bob now
lives in California
CENTER: Pat, Martin with sons Chris (L) & Marty (R). Just back from
Korea, 1953
RIGHT: Pat with sons (L to R) Marty, Chuck & Chris

LEFT: Martin with (L to R) Chris, Chuck & Marty
CENTER: Chris, Chuck, Marty & new daughter, Sue, pose with Santa at
May Company store
RIGHT: Chris poses by a bulldozer in Wisconsin, 1958. Martin was there
to demo the dozer

LEFT: Sue's mother, Irmgard
(Pat) loved to knit & work with her hands
RIGHT: Sue & Martin at Edgewater Beach, Cleveland OH, 1997