PhotoPages Online
Walker Family Web    Updated  06/21/24

Welcome to PhotoPages!   Come on in and catch up with our families, vacations and more. PhotoPages is the best way to keep up with the Walkers. - Cliff & Sue

Navigation Tips
   1) See green links and Jump for new pages and recent additions to sections. 2) From any page, click on PhotoPages Online at the top to return to this home page.

Our Recent Trips
   October, 2023 -
Driving Italy    May, 2024 -
California Bay Area

Future Vacations   Next May, we have our sights on a 17 day driving trip around England and Wales. 2026, maybe continental Europe. 2027, maybe Scotland and Ireland. Then who knows where.

Cliff Walker & Sue Petras

Cliff & Sue  Jump
Over the Years

Cliff's Page
Over the Years

Sue's Page
Over the Years
Alan's Page

Alan's Page  Jump
Over the Years
Ryan's Family

Ryan's Family  Jump
Over the Years

Don's Family
Over the Years
Ryan & Alan

Ryan & Alan
1998 & Earlier
Harry & Maggie

Harry & Maggie
2010 & Earlier

Petras Family
2010 & Earlier
Martin & Irmgard

Martin & Pat
2008 & Earlier

Side Pages of Interest

Cliff's Tips
Photos Like a Pro

Lucy's Page  Jump
Our Little Pooch

Cliff's Europe
1968/69 Favs

The Lighter Side
Lots of Laughs

Where We Live
Comfy & Cozy

Around the U.S. & Europe

Wintry Christmas
Winter 2022

Summer 2023

Driving Italy
Fall 2023

California Bay Area

Spring 2024

Spring 2025
New York City with Alan

New York City
Fall 2017

Driving Up North
Fall 2018

Midwest w/Kids
Summer 2019

Utah Road Trip

Summer 2021

Colorado Rockies
Summer 2022

Niagara Falls
Summer 2016
Christmas in Minnesota!

Wintry Christmas
Winter 2016
DC Vacation

Washington DC
Spring 2017
South Dakota Vacation

South Dakota

Summer 2017
Solar Eclipse 2017 - Hopkinsville KY

Solar Eclipse 
Summer 2017

New Mexico
Summer 2012

Southern California
Spring 2013
Yellowstone NP, Grand Tetons

Wyoming Parks
Fall 2013

Fall 2014

North Shore
Fall 2015

Pacific Northwest
Fall 2008

Wintry Christmas
Winter 2008

Minnesota Twins
Spring 2009

Fall 2010

New York City

Summer 2011

Fall 2005

Wintry Christmas
Winter 2005

Outer Banks
Fall 2006

Summer 2007

Fall 2007

Pacific Northwest
Summer 1999

New England
Summer 2000

Washington DC
Summer 2002

Pacific Northwest
Summer 2003

Central California
Fall 2004

Florida & the Southeast
Florida Family Vacation

PC Beach Family
Summer 2022

PC Beach Family

Summer 2024

Somewhere Fun

Down the Road

Somewhere Fun

Down the Road

Somewhere Fun

Down the Road

Longboat Key
Spring 2019
Florida Vacation

Indian Rocks Beach
Winter 2019

Panama City Beach
Summer 2020

Panama City Beach
Spring 2021
Walker Florica Vacation!

PC Beach Family
Summer 2021
Sarasota Vacation

Suwannee & More
Fall 2016
Reece & Amelia visit Grandpa & Grandma Sue

Atlanta Visit
Summer 2017

Sunny Florida

Indian Rocks Beach
Summer 2018

Gulf Coast Drive
Winter 2019

Atlanta Visit
Spring 2013

Atlanta Visit
Summer 2014

PC Beach Family
Summer 2015

Central Florida

Winter 2015

PC Beach Family
Summer 2016

PC Beach Family
Spring 2010

Florida Keys
Winter 2010

Panama City Beach
Spring 2011

Pensacola Beach
Fall 2011

Panama City Beach
Fall 2012

Chattooga Rafting
Summer 2003

Atlanta-PC Beach
Summer 2006

Pensacola Beach
Spring 2007

Cumberland Island
Fall 2007

Pensacola Beach
Spring 2008

'Thanks for stopping by PhotoPages - Come back soon!' - Cliff & Sue
PhotoPages Online    Copyright© 2000    Online July 2000